Friday, January 4, 2008

Dear Abby,

Thank you so much for your wonderful letter!

I love the vibrant colors you chose for the picture.....seeing them reminds me of the sunshine that fills up any room that you are in.

Funny you should ask about birds, especially like the parrot you included in your drawing. I actually went to two places to check them out just last week. We must have been on the same wavelength. Just last Sunday actually, I went here to this place near the church where I play. They were closed, even though they advertised that they were open; I was a bit bummed. Then on Wednesday, I stopped by a Petco since it was next to a Caribou Coffee House where I occasionally get hot chocolate.....mmmmmmm. Anyway, they did not have much of a selection there, and I was on my way to work and did not have a lot of time to visit with them. While I was there I actually thought about the potential diseases that birds get living in these commercial store environments (you musta been in my head again...).

Anyway, I am on the look out for a new bird companion, and I will let you know when and if I get one.

By the way, do you remember when we made this:
Well, you had better get back to doing dishes now. Thanks for writing!


  1. Abby says:
    "was there anything in the news about birds in petco and petsmart in your state?
    i thought it was going to be the dishes message."

    wendy says:
    abby was very pleased to see this post to her. big grin here.

  2. PS from abby typing herself:

    I wrote the adress on the letter.

    Are you going to write back?
