Saturday, February 2, 2008


Far too much has transpired over the last two weeks to document it all here, but things have been moving along nicely in all areas of my life.

Lotza drama.

New nighturn job at Sheetz: I finished all the training modules and have been doing some shifts, mostly 4 hours, but some 8. I kinda like it. Without really having any other responsibility, it presents no special challenges. The other week I had to play a service in Bellevue after workiing all night, and that was a bit of litmus test to see how I would do after having been up all night working. It was a bit rough, but I noticed that there was definitely a wall I hit, but once I passed it, it was OK. By the time I got home, it was actually hard to go to sleep...... go figure.

Ressi: even though I do not officially begin full-time until yesterday, February 1st, I have been as busy as ever in full steam ahead church music ministry mode, laying the groundwork. The last two weeks were spent rallying the human resources ramping them up to begin the winter/spring rehearsal season. Also, since this parish is hosting a Confirmation liturgy for 3 area parishes, it has fallen on us to prepare the program. So that has been our focus..... so here I am, back at it, like I never left.

This community is very interesting. In contrast to my last chapter in church music ministry, this parish has a much older population. The contemporary choir has been together since 1970! They have a very strong identity, but are hungry for leadership. the adult traditional chorus needs direction and focus. There is no children's choir ( the school attached to the church closed 5 years ago), but letters were sent out inviting people to consider participating. Also, we rallied a temporary bell choir to help out with the Confirmation.

Actually, I held a joint rehearsal just last Thursday and it was very good to be back in the saddle again. We had both the contemporary choir ( 3 guitarists, flute player, who btw, is blind) and traditional choir, the bell ringers, AND the new drum set that the church purchased was staffed by a friend of the parish, a young man who was not a member, but was willing to help out for this liturgy. It was atypical of what this parish had experienced in the past, even in spite of its penchant for the contemporary style. They loved the combination of bells, organ, piano, drums etc. Of course,who wouldn't? The energy that flows from this use of resources is uplifting to say the least. Also, had my midi controller there with the laptop adding yet another dimension to the soundscape. It was great; felt good and sounded good.

This is the weekend that I officially begin, and today I have a wedding at 3pm, followed by the contemporary choir singing at the 5pm liturgy. BTW, they used to go by the name 'Peacemakers' and so we resurrected it for them. Our special song is 'All Who Are Thirsty' by Kutless.

Then after that, Xian's band All Hail Dischordia is playing at Z-Lounge this evening, so I plan to go there. Bummer, tho, I have to work! But the manager at Sheetz, Jason, a really swell guy, got half my shift covered for me, so I will go in at 2am. 'Nother bummer, I have to play 2 liturgies in the morning, and have a rehearsal with the Confirmation candidates. So I probably won't get home till about 2pm.

This oughta be good.......

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