Monday, August 9, 2010

From Overpowered to Empowered

Christina wrote a brilliant blog over at Overcoming Sexual Abuse Website about How to Journey from Overpowered to Empowered. This message is an especially timely reminder for me because of the recent and seemingly on-going  major shifts and moves that I have made in my life over the last three years. And it always seems to be in life's 'cracks' where I discover the self defeating beliefs that tend to drive my life subconsciously from the shadows.

It's then that I discover all of the 'things' I use, and give away my power to, in order to achieve and maintain a measure of comfortablilty and balance in the rough transitional spots.  You mentioned two of my favorites and they are both would be remedies for  particular ingestive maladies that I had used during my life in order to keep myself 'in line' ie, powerless. 

Robert Anton Williams states: Inside of us lives both a thinker and a prover;  "What the thinker thinks, the prover proves". Fascinating how that little phrase characterizes the dynamic of both the victim mentality and the survivor/thriver mentality.  Once we flip the switch from glass half-empty (victim) to glass half-full mentality (survivor), then as you say, we can then gain the potential to move onto the next phase for designing the substance that we'll use for filling up the glass to full and overflowing (thrivor) mentality.  

How do you get from Overpowered to Empowered? We each have to answer that for ourselves, but this may give you a great place to begin.

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