Thursday, January 19, 2012

Regarding Caveman Masculinity: A Rant

 Inspired by a reading of McCaughey's "Caveman Masculinity "

It's all a capitalist's game and depends on who is selling what …..and what we are being sold mainly is a ticket to the nearest point of sale. I really don't want to come across as cynical; it is a capitalistic society after all but people's fears are constantly being exploited by those who have the economic capacity and resources to do so. We are buying what is being sold because we desparately feel the need to be accepted. It's human nature. There's something about the need for nurture that blinds us to this fact, (like a person in the throes of passion who forgot the birth control and in a frenzied moment of impassioned denial casts their fate to the whim of the moment). And because we exist in a society that moves at such a fast pace, where split second decisions are being expected constantly of consumers, when forced to decide we do so impulsively, without stopping to allow rationality to eclipse immediate gratification. This is what the marketplace is all about (….sorry business majors!) and, note to self, there is no use lamenting the moral implications of exploitation because this is America after all, and our ethic is such that we celebrate social Darwinism as the ultimate prize. Those who have the means to do so are within their right here to do whatever they choose within legal reason. When DuPont figured out a way to  create a sensation by mass producing silk stockings at a price level that even lower income women could afford, we bought into their image making money scheme. It wasn't so much that they were selling stockings as much as that they were selling 'class' , and doesn't everyone want to appear 'classy'? Doesn't everyone want to appear socially, biologically, intellectually relevant? And along with the class comes status and elevated status translates into more power  and more power translates into more opportunity and more opportunity translates into different things depending on the defined goals for the particular gendered class an individual subscribes to.

If you are male, your status/power is linked with your ability to trump the powers/status of the next male.  (Correct me if I'm wRONg but the same seems likely to be true for females also). In our civilized society today that means being a well trained caveman in intellectual form, savvy, physically 'hot', unbeatable: a winner in all realms of being: a superman! How is this different from the caveman in the earlier stage of evolution? Is it different or is it really same thing in a different wrapping? Because when it all boils down to the ultimate display of power, i.e., the arena of fisticuffs, it does not really matter if you have a penis or not (I tried to think of another way to say that, but saying "having a vagina or not" does not convey the same message! ….that in itself could be an entire topic of discussion). What does matter is who can kick whose ass in the arena. And those that can triumph there get the "prize" ….. what is the prize? Again it all depends on what satisfies one's self interest. Female or male, how do I get my needs met? And where do 'needs' come from? Are they fabricated like 'wants' are? Or are they hard wired in as part of the survival instinct. I think that's the ticket. Needs are inborn, and wants are constructed according to the popular devices and mechanisms that are the product of a given socioeconomic current.

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