Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I was many people, many places yesterday

Yesterday I found myself in many mansions.

I got out of work at 3pm and revisited Ya Fei chinese restaurant while waiting for Suze to come and pick me up.

Before that I stopped into CompUSA to grab some memory for my 'old' imac17. It seems the imac needs at least 512MB to run the new synthesis software, so now I have the macbook pro and the imac, which is nice, because what one can't do the other one can...and besides the macbook is portable.

So Suze picked me up, and it was right around the start of rush hour and I had to stop at the bank and deposit all the funds I had accrued for the past couple of weeks. Then after that we had to go pick up Tom and head over to the hospital to visit mom in the North Hills side of town. It was like trying to run in mud, trying to get to the hospital, but we made it.

It was a very nice visit...... our Joe is in town for Thanksgiving as well, and that was really good to see him, and extra good because he gave me a check for half of the money I loaned him a couple of years back when he was moving. It was unexpected, but very welcome, and now I feel good that I'll be able to soon pay off the new toys I got recently and move on to saving for phase 3 of my dental work. Yea!

1 comment:

  1. Hello kind gentleman. :) Is that the place over at 980 Park Manor Blvd? Just kidding -- I Googled it of course and this might not even be the same place!

    Sounds like you are busy - and rolling in dough! Thought of you today subbing...

    Take care,

