Had an interesting day at work yesterday. Actually, arrived there much earlier than anticipated because the busses were on time and I made good connections. Since I got there early I spent some time doing my 'A' level Keyboard/Recording certification and I passed. I am officially certified! Haha! Now I move on to my Pro Audio certs, which will be much more difficult, and will take a long time to do.
Beyond that, it was a slower day; we have been mechandising for the past week getting ready for the xmas rush, and the department has been in disarray --- make that squalor --- but now things are coming together nicely. I sold a Yamaha piano YPG625 with peripherals, and had a couple of other sales too. Got someone into a MPC Drum machine, which was really cool. So all in all I had a great day.... a long day.... but great.
Oh yea, I connected with Mandy finally yesterday and asked her to send me Xian's fo#; she emailed me back saying her phone had been out of commission and that the batteries needed revived, and his number was in the dead phone, so I will get it as soon as it revives. I am anxious to reconnect with X as well, so I can go see and hear his band.
Oh yea, it was very difficult, but I stayed up til Jay Leno was over last night. I turned him on to watch his monologue, then I was going to go to sleep, but he announced that the Shins would be be performing; of course they always put bands on in the last 5 minutes....argh!.... but I love James Mercer, no, make that double love James Mercer. Anyway they performed 'Sea Legs' from Wincing the Night Away. Oh James, why are you so nervous in front of TV cameras? His songs, when he sings on TV always start out so badly, out of tune, but then he gets into about half-way thru the song. Also, this show was a repeat broadcast because Jay mentioned something about their upcoming performance in October.
So off to work today... I go in at 2pm and work til close. Friday. Payday. It will be very different than the paychecks I used to get. Oh well, that's OK. I am loving my new life. It's an even trade.
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