Sunday, December 2, 2007

I made it to shore

Here I am again at another Sunday, this one not so crazy. I am actually looking forward to having it off as down time from the job at Guitar Center, since I just came off of a 6 day stretch. Good to be relaxing. I'll still have to play 2 services at the church, one this morning and one this evening. Also I will dash out after the morning service to spend some time with mom, as she continues her recovery from the knee replacement surgery.

As I rerun thru the events of the past week, I must admit it had its share of surprises. For instance, mom on Thursday had to rush by ambulance to the hospital as she was having a hard time breathing with this new post surgery respiratory dis-ease. She was not kept overnight, and came home.

Prior to that, on Thursday I spent some time with Mary Alice helping her get her laundry in order, cleaning up around the house, inside and out. Then I went to work after that, which made for a long day.

The other days were uneventful, although at work, I have been consistently gp-ing about $400 per work day, which basically means I have been getting more and closing more customers. It is always helpful when the heavy hitters are not on the schedule the same time I am, because they really know how to grab those customers. Still in all, I have been developing my own chops, and recognize that I have a knack for working with people. If the universe sends them to me, I will sell them what they want (or in some cases, need). I sold about $15000 worth of stuff last month, my first full month in the retail sales world.

And it has not been without its challenges.

A couple of the guys that I work with (grant it, they are young) have tremendous egos, and are not very helpful when it comes to giving guidance or even answering basic questions requiring a simple yes or no answer. I work very methodically, and ask questions which answers I anticipate will lead me to discovery of the next set of questions. This is the best method for learning, for me, anyway. I learn best from experience, as I engage in the process of doing.

However, yesterday I made a killing at work and damned near 'gonged'. That's when you sell enough stuff to make $1000 in GP (gross profit - your commission). I gp'd at $909, but that did not include the 3 transactions that I made which totaled about 600 in layaway sales, so in effect, I gonged. I was glad to see the end of the day, because I was with a steady stream of customers from 9m till 5pm, and had a few stragglers up till the time I left at 7pm.

On other fronts, I now have completed all of the purchases I made to keep me occupied with my music making.

Well that's all for now, gotta get ready to leave for the service.

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