Thursday, October 4, 2007

The rest of my life.........

.....I guess I could say that that is precisely what I am enjoying.......without the bothering tether of daily workaday world.

Which reminds me, Janet reported to me on Tuesday night that during that evenings Worship Committe meeting, it was announced by Fr. Walt that Bela had been chosen as the new music director.

I was not surprised since as it turned out, he had been a 12th hour emerging candidate, and the inside scoop was that he and Walt had prior connections at an earlier time in life. Seems Bela wants to return to Pittsburgh from Chicago. Funny thing: I know Bela, we had gone to Duquesne at the same time and graduated the same year, altho he is MUCH younger thatn I; just starting out with a family, I think, which is curious, as he was notoriously gay when I knew him at Duq. Then again so was I!

But that's another story.

In the meantime, I have yet to hear anything from St Phil's announcing the decision. I do plan on writing a letter to Walt expressing my impression of how disingenuous it was to use the choir manipulatively in his decision making process. It was obvious that he had no intention of factoring in their decision. When they had their conclusive meeting a week ago Tuesday last, when he met with the 'committee' to garner their recommendations, 99% of the choir gave me as their first choice. So as it turns out, he was not interested in democracy. I know that they are not pleased with the decision.

I plan to work on the letter and I will post it here when I do.


  1. ah, but definitely take comfort in knowing that you had already decided that you didn't want the job. perhaps God whipered to Father Walt not to choose you in case your resolve wasn't strong enough to say no.
    there's another door opened for you. you just have the fun now of finding it!

  2. i love your friendship and you know me so resolve would definitely have weakened.

    Go you!
