Thursday, October 4, 2007

Yesterday review and today's 2 do list

I realized how important it is for me to document what I do from day to day, becayse, truth be told, I really can't remember! It seems that these days are all running one into the other, and I can't keep track of any of it!

Yesterday, I drove Sure to work as usual, came home, checked into any new jobs that might be worth checking out.

Then I went to mom's and began the arduous task of cleaning out her accumulated 'junk', since we are all in agreement that she would be better off in one of the senior highrises in Crafton. So we got applications to put her on the waiting list and they said it would be about 1 - 1 1/2 years, so Sue and I have a plan to arrange to sell the house as soon as possible, which means getting it ready in the event it happens sooner than later.

In the cleaning yesterday, I got through all the places junk could accumulate in her dining room (buffet and utility closet) and also her hall cupboard where she sotres her sweaters and coats, and it also serves as a pantry for overflow grocery items, and cake baking supplies.

So as I was doing that I was also helping her with her laundry (she does my brothers and some of my sister's too! Mom! stop that! They should be helping you with yours!)

So at 4pm I left to go pick up Sue from work and we went home and she made a quick taco hamberhelper for dinner and immediately after I went to bed. After all I had been awake all day after only getting 2 hours of sleep.

So I awoke this morning after getting about 12 hours of rest and took sue to work again, came home and now i am getting ready to prepare some posters to put around advertising my availability for teaching private lessons.

Other than that, yesterday I prepared my resume and applied to two on-line websites that were taking resumes for teaching through their company.

Today I prepared the form for getting listed as a sub with the diocese of pittsburgh.

My next post will list all of the things I've done so far to get my name out there.

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