Saturday, June 21, 2008

jottings #4

yesterday went fine. no fear! i spent a bit of time at work making a few phone calls, and practicing for a recital that i will give in october.

when my sister came home from work she asked me if i wanted to join her at the local casino, and i went but told her that i did not have the funds to burn, so i just hung out with her as she burned hers.

those casinos are not as intimidating as i could make them out to be. people who are there are pretty much focused on their own agenda, whatever is drivng them to be there. they actually seem very robotic. i hate large crowds of people, but in this case it is not all that bad since no one is really paying attention to anyone else. it's a perfect social situation in my opinion. LOL
you don't have to find a corner to hide in, because you can stand in the middle of the room and be invisible.

came home listened to a wendy waldman cd that i recently obtained from it was one of those ones that came out on tape, before cd's became popular, called 'letters home'. it was released on cd somewhere along the way, but i was not into updateing my taped collection to cd. i think it is her best work, and after all these years, my enjoyment of the music on this cd has not waned. maybe i'll start a thread about that.

at any rate, my day today is going to be packed.

+ funeral to play this morning
+ band rehearsal at noon
+ evening service to play at the church

then back home to let out the birds [i guess some poeple let out the dogs, i let out the birds], check out the ms site. sounds like a plan. later

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