Friday, August 29, 2008

finally coming 'round right'

here it is almost the end of the summer and right after labor day next week the rehearsal cycle beings at work again.

i actually got a lot accomplished this summer.

in july i produced and facilitated two seminars: one entitled 'intro to music reading' and 'discover your singing voice. they each had over 20 registered participants. they were very well received and the people are interested to do more, so i may do some group voice classes this fall if i feel up to it. but that probably will not happen, because i am going to be tied up in rehearsals 4 nights out of the week. [my morning will be wide open though, just the way i like it! none of that madcap morning rush hour for me, no siree!]

which i doubt i will. it has been nearly a year since i returned to pittsburgh after a 7 year stint working in the midwest, and another several months in the monastery discerning a vocation. since returning i have had two separate full time jobs, one in retail [never again!] and now my current work [yes, i returned to music ministry ... i just can't get away!], also helped my mom through 2 knee replacement surgery's and recuperation since last november.

the new church job started in february..... it really bites to start things in mid year; very difficult to get the momentum going, but everything worked out well, and the ranks are expanding this fall, quite nicely.

in addition, this summer, i joined my son xian's band, started dating again, started karate, joined the local gay men's chorus and the local metropolitan community church and began to create a life that suits me, and have even reconnected to some friends that i lost contact with upon moving to the midwest in 2000. not too bad for a guy who turns 55 y/o in a couple of weeks.

this is the first year that i am starting the rehearsal cycle without my job being the most important thing in my life. i think the most important thing that happened in the lazy ease-filled summer daze was that i had time to gain perspective on what is important. i had time to transition from a 'purpose driven life' to one that is lived more in the moment.

i know i could not have had that before now. and i have to say, it is scary to be living without striving to catch that carrot on the end of the stick. in prior years, that had been my dynamic focus till now. now i have no expectations. i have no need to prove my worth. my eyes open in the morning, and i say to myself 'well i guess i get another shot at it....this could be my last one, i had better do it justice'.

who said life was over after 40?

keep on keepin' on........

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