Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Finding stasis juggling personal and political drama


Sc/een.e from a Balcony 2-5-25 7:30am

The colors of the day set the tone for the internal disposition. A nice, friendly, warm blue covering the landscape of the park invites a sense of calm only to be interrupted under cover of disturbing political activities currently dominating the media, which is hemorrhaging fear and collective trauma across the world. 

Much ado about .... something

Topics on my radar include 
- Musks illegal actions related to the take over of the Treasury Department
- The "it's about damn time" Senate Democrats finally stepping up to rail against the trump bulldozer' unconstitutional directives.
 - The new proposal to "own" Gaza 

I am watching these developments very closely, and at some point it is beginning to seem more smoke and mirrors ; flood the media with distressing news to distract and the left hand from knowing what the right hand is doing. Stay tuned, as more confusion is coming our way. 

Tasks of the day

Today is a day with no demands. Other than the time I get to spend with the Harps, there is nothing else requiring attention, quite different from yesterday. The next thing "to do" this week, is to have my drug test relative to my new part time work as concierge for my apartment complex, which I'll do tomorrow morning.

Other things coming up include, waiting for my pension 1099 to arrive so I can submit it to H&R Block as the final missing piece before Jim can get to work on filing my tax return.

More taxing news

Of all the years I've been filing taxes, this is the first time I have felt it necessary to enlist support from a tax professional. I had typically been a W2 filer, but this year, my income (Social Security and Pension, work as an Independent Contractor) has fallen under the 1099 filing type, which after trying to do it on my own, realized it's time for me to have help 'figuring it all out". 

I haven't been a left-brained math/arithmetic guy; my main powers were evident in the creative expressions of the right brain hemisphere.  Indeed my life work has been oriented toward musical production and expression through performance, design, management, and the many skills that are included in the constellation of  required abilities for exercising the tasks. My second career as a psychotherapist, though less musical, used primarily right brain oriented abstract conceptualization in social domains. Being part of the "helping profession" has been rewarding in its own right, and requires its own discussion . TBC

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