Friday, February 7, 2025

Happiest of Anniversaries: Births of a Son and Brother (r.i.p.)

 Sc/een.e from a Balcony 2-7-25 7:30am

Another day of respite from the expected frigidity of Eastern weather. Today is clear and crisp, and quiet; it's also the very first Friday  post retirement.  I'm already losing track of days and times. It feels good on one hand, that on the other, it feels unmoored from anything continuous, constant and stable .

 Birthdays galore .....

Though I'm l'm losing track of days; upon waking  the first thing on my mind was this date: February 7th  

Brother Bill on graduation from high school 1969


This was the date that my eldest brother(r.i.p. 1975) was born and my son Xian shares this birthdate. 

Xian is like his father, a musician. He, however,  is much much more. He's also the owner and Chef of the locally acclaimed Oak Hill Post, which began as a pop-up restaurant titled Menuette, which Chris opened with his partner Rebecca right before Covid began. They survived the pandemic and even opted up the restaurant at its height, making safe, socially distanced deliveries. 

Proud dad and son Thxgiving 2024

 Here is a picture of the crew taken last year, prior to the announcement that the restaurant would be closing as Chris shifts his interest toward other passions. 

THE PITTSBUGH CITY PAPER published a  paene to the restaurant's closing stating 

"Bottomline: Schulz and Nicholson ran a gourmet greasy spoon with the same kind of friendliness and efficiency as a fine dining establishment. I figured I would have many opportunities to make OHP my go-to nighttime destination.

Sadly, on Jan. 24, Schulz announced its permanent closure on social media.

“We knew that this business wouldn’t last forever,” he said. “After seven great years we have decided that the time to hang up our aprons is now. I understand that this may come as a shock, and some may lament the loss of a great restaurant. To me, though, this is not a time for sadness, but a time of celebration. Oak Hill Post was a huge success, and one of our greatest achievements in life. We are grateful that we were able to share it with you all. 


  1. You had so much to say and share in this post! I drove over an hour to my daughter's house to spend some time with her and her crew, and celebrate (a day early) my granddaughter's birthday. I love (of course) the patio post - I think it epitomizes the promise of the coming day. Happy birthday to your late brother, and hugs for losing him so soon. The picture of you guys and your mom is wonderful! Xian looks so much like you, no wonder he is a musician! Happy birthday to him, and I'm sorry I didn't make it to Pgh before he closed the restaurant. I'm sure you will write about his next endeavor, and I wish him all the best. One word of advice from someone who has celebrated 9 years of retirement: embrace the lack of structure! Every day is what you want it to be!

    1. I'm eating up your words .... and they are delicious to the taste. If my assumptions are correct, your granddaughter and my mom share a birthday along with another brother of mine who lives in San Diego.
